Oryx Stainless Logo

who we are


The Oryx Stainless Group with its parent company Oryx Stainless Holding B. V. is an internationally leading business group for trading and processing scrap metal as a raw material for stainless steel production. Our customers include producers of long and flat stainless steels around the world. On the supplier side we have a wide, continuously expanding, international procurement base.

We offer our business partners an ideal combination of different strengths:

Market and product expertise
Long-term relationships with customers and suppliers based on trust
International network
A willingness to innovate and grow
A very strong balance sheet
More about the processing of stainless steel scrap
find out in this video

Our Values


Deposits of raw materials around the world are limited. This is why it is becoming more and more important to handle them responsibly. Recycling plays a vital role in this: Our methods for efficient processing of stainless steel scrap transform supposed waste materials into new basic commodities. This creates a cycle which not only saves costs but also reduces the impact on the environment. In comparison to using alternative primary raw materials, more than 4.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions are saved for each tonne of stainless steel scrap that is used (see study).
The Oryx Stainless Group consists of four legally autonomous units which carry out the operational business at their respective site with responsibility for their own profits:
The holding defines the vision and philosophy of the corporate group and ensures in addition to sales a consistent approach. In consequence, it influences the corporate policy of the units and ensures coordinated processes.

Oryx Commodity News

Oryx raw material news informs about current, industry-relevant topics.

April April – it does what it wants

The copper price on the London Metal Exchange (LME) moves in spheres which have not been seen in almost a decade. The aluminium future is also on a high level. The increasing recovery in the global economy during the continuing pandemic will certainly play a role, but the speculative interest…

Universal Talent

Since our last edition, nickel prices on the London Metal Exchange (LME) have continued to fall. They came to a halt at a level of USD 15,800.00/mt. Starting by 26th July they have once more been moving up and the exchange price has now stabilised between the region of…

Artificial brain guzzles energy

The question of the future economic development in Europe, the USA and China remains a difficult subject. It is quite obvious that the markets for commodities, foreign exchange and equities remain firmly tied to the interest rate decisions of the central banks, especially to their…

Goldilocks beats well tanned

After a rather subdued start for nickel on the London Metal Exchange (LME) at the beginning of the year, since the middle of February a general upwards trend has been evident. However, this has not been exactly linear, as it has also been characterised at times by considerable…

Old Wise (White) Men

Nickel quotations at the London Metal Exchange (LME) have recovered comparatively well – prices have risen by around 16% and, alongside tin and copper, nickel has been one of the “best” performers of the year so far. At the end of April the 3 months price for the nickel future was quoted at USD 19,330.00/mt, the highest rate since…