Transaction successfully concluded between
Oryx Stainless PGI and Thai Metal Recycling
Oryx Stainless PGI Co. Ltd. (Bangkok), a company of the Oryx Stainless Group, has entered into an acquisition agreement with Thailand based Thai Metal Recycling Ltd. (TMR) on the basis of which Oryx Stainless PGI will continue the trustful business relationships that TMR has successfully built over the past years.
The acquisition is part of the implementation of Oryx Stainless’ international growth strategy and will increase its market share in one of the fastest growing markets for the recycling of stainless steel and its alloys.
„With the acquisition of Thai Metal Recycling in the fourth quarter of 2016, we took a significant growth step for our Asian business area. In the dynamic market environment of South East Asia, we are further strengthening our position to the benefit of our customers, which will profit from the high quality standard of our products. The agreed transaction will provide a valuable foundation for the continued growth of Oryx Stainless“, Tobias Kämmer, CEO of Oryx Stainless Holding, said.
Oryx Stainless PGI is a leading stainless steel recycling company in South East Asia. It is a joint venture of Oryx Stainless Group, one of the leading worldwide stainless steel recycling groups headquartered in The Netherlands and the PGI Group, Dubai.
Notes for the editorial staff:
The Oryx Stainless Group, founded in 1990, is one of the world’s leading trading organisations for raw materials used in the production of high-quality stainless steels. The Group focuses its business activities on the handling and processing of stainless steel scrap into Oryx Stainless Blends. These secondary raw material blends – individually adapted for the respective stainless steel producers – replace above all primary raw materials such as ferronickel, ferrochromium and ferromolybdenum.
Oryx Stainless Group
Oryx Stainless Holding B.V.
‘s-Gravendeelsedijk 159
NL-3316 AS Dordrecht
Tobias Kämmer
Telefon +31-78-632-6230