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“Take him serious, but not literally”
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Hardly really surprising that the year begins not much differently from where the old one left off. For the New Year is still young and therefore also not wise. The holidays could at least give a little respite from the numerous political and economic challenges, but the…
Isn’t there anything positive?
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The stainless steel market continues to be in an autumnal depression, perhaps in line with the weather at this time of year. Although this terminology is not universally correct, for it is already spring in the southern hemisphere. Globally, and primarily in Europe, it is the…
A miss by far is still a miss
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A clear turnaround in regard to the direction of the global economic development cannot yet be called. The early signals for a recovery, which were described in our last edition, have been consolidating, but the impact of the measures is still of…
All that glitters is not always clean
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It is almost as if the head and the board of the US Federal Reserve read the last edition of the Oryx News, as there was a major interest rate move (“double bang”). As hoped, for the first time since 2020, the Federal Reserve (Fed) cut the key interest rate by…
Three meals a day are sufficient
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The situation in the global economy remains complicated, but not hopeless if certain connections are understood. At present, the three big economic blocs, the USA, China and Europe, are simultaneously showing signs of…
about our studies

Export restrictions for Europe is not an alternative
Stainless steel industry/ZEW study on raw material trade barriers. Europe must rely on the development of international trade agreements for the security of raw materials. China has the most extensive trade restrictions worlwide. As net importer of the main components...

Future availability of chrome and stainless steel scrap more critical than crude oil
Stainless steel industry/TU Berlin study on raw material security. TU Berlin study on the "real" availability of chrome, nickel, iron, and scrap, taking economic factors into consideration. The sole focus on geological reserves is insufficient for the assessment of...

Stainless steel: hedging against volatile nickel markets instead of speculation
A study by the Institute of Finance at the University of Ulm on behalf of Oryx Stainless Group.Team of experts pleads for greater use of hedging instruments.Blind spot stainless steel scrap impairs forecasting reliability for nickel.Greater transparency for less...

Stainless steel industry: Intelligent recycling of stainless steel scrap to reduce CO2
A study by Fraunhofer Institute Umsicht on behalf of Oryx Stainless Group. The rising demand for stainless steel means that the responsible and efficient use of our resources is becoming increasingly important. That is why the Oryx Stainless Group commissioned the...